I am not sure I have anything to say. I just sat down to type. I could tell you everything I am going to do today, but that's kind of boring, no?
I would share my views on politics but I don't have many. I don't watch enough TV or read enough newspapers or specialized newsletters to be informed. I do know that common sense tells me that the fabric of what America was is being steadily frayed by all these special interest groups and the inability to be honest because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
I think taxes should be almost completely eliminated. I'm about ready to go have my own Tea Party. Taxes are oppressing, especially being self-employed. Speaking of employment, I believe that everyone should have to work. If they aren't working, why should the people have to support them? I suppose that is politics, huh?
I think we should take care of the world we live in a lot better but I also think that scare tactics from environmentalists are silly. I think people tend to resist even more when the person or entity trying to create change seems so radical and out there.
I believe that it is silly to stop 80 year old women at the airport to search her handbag for nail clippers. I believe it is silly not to have profiling. If one demographic is committing 99% of the crime, I think we should spend 99% of our efforts on understanding and watching that demographic.
I believe that gay people should have the right to be gay. (Please just don't make out in front of me, it gives me the willies.)
I believe that we should leave room for everyone to be themselves, but not to expect the population to change to accomodate the newcomers. They came here. I do not believe in free healthcare to non-citizens. I don't get free healthcare and I live here and pay the damn taxes. I also don't believe in free healthcare for people who aren't working that are able to work if they would REALLY go and try to find a job, even if it is a clerk at Circle K or flipping burgers at McDonalds.
I believe our system is all wrong in processing drug addictions. You can't make someone quit. You can send them to rehab but unless they checked themselves in, they are just there to make the judge happy so they can go home and light the match and smoke crack again.
I think child molesters should be chemically castrated. They are predators and that's how their mind works. I think registering them was a step in the right direction.
I think jail is also pretty stupid for the majority of people. There should be a better punishment. Jail just puts all the criminals together so they can hang out and get better ideas of how to be criminals when they get out. Put an innocent person in there and they will come out warped.
Above all, I believe in God. I believe that God loves every human being ever created. I believe God made a way through Jesus to have a relationship with everyone. I believe Christianity would not exist without Israel. I believe in "One Nation Under God" but I think I am going to be the minority before too long. (When I become a minority can I start suing?)
So, I guess I do have a few opinions. Who knew?