Imagine This
Maybe I am busy.
So what? Is that so wrong? Too busy to blog?
Part of the problem is that deep down I'm boring so after a year of blogging, I have nothing new to say. It's weird because I could be someone completely different here than in my real life because no one from real life reads this thing. The problem is a lack of imagination, I guess. I blame it on MTV, video games and sugar. I had a good imagination when I was a kid.
Maybe lack of imagination is just safer. Imgination could be dangerous. If I imagined myself as a rich multi-millionaire who went to Maui all the time I might get frustrated with my life. As a kid, you fantasize to make your life more exciting. Walking the dog isn't all that cool. Taking your dog to through the Land of Oz is much cooler. Cows become enemies. Trees become soliders.
As an adult, I guess imagination would just show us that life is always going to be lacking. We will never really get to a place where we are 100% happy with the way things are. There are always bills to be paid, weather to tolerate (yes, even in AZ) white pasty legs to tan, brains to inebriate, things to learn, savings accounts to pad, Brad Pitts to get to know.....and we're never gonna get there.
Dont' call me a hater. Don't say I am negative. In fact, I am a very positive person. But I'm a realist. The lotto just doesn't pay enought anymore.