That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Monday, June 20, 2005

Sneak One By

It's official- Real life has taken over blogging!

Just to confirm, I am totally strange. I know it isn't good to hear voices in one's head, but what about faint bass lines? I am trying to sleep and it sounds like a neighbor is having a large party but all I can hear is the faint bass line through the insulation of my home. I check at all the windows and doors and I don't hear anything. Satisfied that I have conquered the sound by my mere presence, I lay back down, only to have it start again.

I lay in bed (patiently) for fifteen minutes and the noise seems to be growing louder. I can almost pick out a melody. I get up, go the the windows. Nothing. I go to the doors. Nothing. I resign and eat a bowl of cereal and blog.


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