That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Stood Up

I am all irritated and bent out of shape.

I love getting my hair done. Love it. I have an appointment today. I went. I got there a bit early. The shop was closed. I waited. I waited some more. I got bored of waiting and decided to go to the post office and mail my friend in Colorado the pictures from my vacation along with some coloring books.

Came back. Still no sign of Raul the Hairdresser. Decided he blew off work today. Thanks for calling, buddy!

I thought maybe I had the time written down wrong. I have called the shop about five times. No answer.

Now I am feeling all pissy and grumpy and I don't want to do anything. I drove half an hour there and half an hour back and missed an important office meeting that wasn't as important as getting my hair done. My poor hair needs a lift. I just want to watch a movie or take a nap or read. I really have work I should go to Sedona to do, but I am all bent out of shape. My hair looks like crap. I am all irritated.

I should write a dark, meaningful play about Raul the Hairdresser.