That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!

I love kids dressed up, all jazzed to get high on sugar. I especially love it when they are so young they can't say Trick or Treat, they say, "Twick or Tweet".

Something about October. I love this month. I think I love it because in Arizona, this is when the weather is perfect. It stays perfect for a few months. Our winter doesn't really start until January most years. Plus, my birthday is in October so everyone feels obligated to take me to lunch or dinner, get me cards or buy me presents. Or if they don't, they feel obligated to say sorry for not attending to such things.

I just feel content. It's not drunken contentment, either. Earlier this month I was stressed. I felt like there was so much going on that I was on a merry-go-round that wouldn't stop, only speed up. I decided to simplify. After throwing my cell phone away, leaving my purse in a different town and forgetting all sorts of basic things, I simplified. I also have gotten better at not feeling guilty for doing everything I thought I should. I turned off the OCD switch. Life is much more enjoyable now.

Plus, I am floored at how much people love me. I don't know why they love me. I get compliments and calls and I's great. I like being loved.

In marriage I have my best friend. It is always a great marriage, but there are times when we seem to be "in love" like when we were dating. It's so much fun when this happens!! :) He's been so good to me. How could I not love him? But sometimes, he is so good to me, I get all butterfly-ie. I dunno. Okay, I made up a word. Have a goulishly good night!


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12:25 AM


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