That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hurricane Amber

I am not pregnant!

I do have my laptop back. I don't know if any of my virtual Pajamaland Bloggers remember me.

My brain found its way home. I tried to ask it where it had run off to, but it refused to answer. The hamster is back on the wheel. It might be a replacement hamster. You know what a replacement hamster is. It's the hamster parents buy for their kids when their original hamster dies. It has to look pretty close to the previous one as to not be detected. That's what I've got- the aliens stole my brain and replaced it with a look-alike.

I have had really bad hiccups all day. The kind that hurt sometimes. The kind that create hurricanes and earthquakes.