That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Was I a Weird Kid?

I kinda feel like I have to sneak my posts in since I am using my husband's computer. He is happily playing baseball on the Playstation right now, so I think I have a few minutes.

I think life is full of choices that make this huge tapestry that our are memories, impressions and thoughts. For example, I remember at the age of seven laying on a grass lawn covered in clover with bees buzzing around. The sun made everything bright and warmed me quite nicely. For some reason, I thought at the age of seven I should remember that moment and never forget. So I still have this moment etched in my mind of my front yard in Texas. I chose to remember. I remember playing in a pool of mud and having deep thoughts at the age of five. I was contemplating God way back then. Whatever conclusions I came to then still shape who I am now. At the age of eight I couldn't figure out the idea of God not having a beginning and an end when everything else around me does, including myself. I had a discussion about that with another friend who was about eight as well. Do most eight year olds talk about this stuff? Do most seven year olds decide they need to remember a moment of contentment laying on the front lawn?