That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Shirley Mae

Usually when I sit down to write, I have a vague idea where I might be headed. I don't put a lot of thought my post. I guess many professional bloggers think it is necessary to put hours of forethought into their subject for the greater good of man kind. I'm not like that. Whatever is on my mind, well developed or not, ends up in this space.

So what's on my mind tonight?

The kind of women I admire most. I think the type of woman I would say I admire in a knee-jerk response would be some sort of brazen, loud, stand up for yourself and take on the world kind of a woman. It would be some sort of woman who never backs down and makes sure that everyone knows that she is taking a stand. In my mind, she stands seven feet tall and has long, flaming red hair. She could take on any lumberjack or backstreet thug.

In reality, the women in life I admire the most end up being the "silent partner" type women. They are the women who work behind the scenes, never raising their voice, never drawing attention to themselves. They are always supporting other people in unobtrusive ways usually displayed by some act or type of love. These women don't demand that people mold to their image and their idea of life. In a fight with a man, they would probably lose in the short run.

My mom is this kind of person. So is Shirley Mae. I had to say goodbye to Shirley Mae today. I probably will not see her again in this lifetime. (For clarification, she didn't die.) I have known Shirley Mae for the past three and a half years. I can't readily tell what impact Shirley Mae has had on my life because she is the silent partner type. She holds her own, has grace and dignity and a soft voice. However, the way she works is more through a whisper here, a watchful eye, a soft spoken prayer. She gives and her spirit of generosity is felt rather than seen. She organizes and mobilizes from the sidelines. She was a teacher only by example. She has been married for over 60 years, and got up to dance with her husband today in front of 500 people because the band started playing their song. She has composure even though there is deep emotion in her. She said goodbye. She said it is tough leaving. She said she thought she had said her goodbyes but there is sorrow and sadness in leaving. She has had to leave a lot during her life and even at her age, she is not done so she continues on to be an example in someone else's life. Sometimes the biggest wars in life are won without more than a whisper and watchful eye.


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