That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Monday, March 14, 2005

The Story is so Weird It Doesn't Need a Title

Dear Readers,

You have been reading my blog for a while now. I just finished my list of 100, so you know I am strange.

But this is too strange. I don't know what has gotten into me, honestly.

I have been married for six years. I have been off birth control for over a year. I do not have kids, I am not pregnant. I do not want babies. I am scared of the first year of being home with this person. I do not like kids from the ages of 7-12 for the most part. I like toddlers and teenagers.

So I got the often asked question again on Saturday, "When are you and J having kids." I said, "I don't need kids. I have teens."

I was referring to the teens I work with and love. She knew this. This woman is a mom of six. She has biological children, adopted kids and foster care children.

Apparently there are close to 100 teens in my county alone that do not have parents, are emancipated and awaiting adoption. I could not imagine going through that time in my life without parents, as angry as I would get with them at times.

And the idea wouldn't go away. It gnaws at me.

I want to adpot thrown away teens.

Straight jacket, please!!


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