That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Reasons I Hate WalMart

WalMart is the only option in my town.

It is supposed to be have "lower prices". Why is it that every time I go in, I spend somewhere between $30 and over $100? Nothing in my cart cost over $15 and most everything was $1-$4. It's not like I am buying random stuff either, just normal household items.

Why does everyone want to put their cart right in my way where I can't get around, cut in front of me or stop in an area so I cannot move?

Why do so many women look like strung out Cocaine addicted hookers with small children?

What is up with the guy wearing a button down, long sleeved nice collared shirt with sweats?

Why is that girl wearing a trucker hat just crammed over her greasy hair? Her hair is still hanging out. We can still see it is greasy.

Why are there no parking places within 6 city blocks of the front door?

Why is there not a map or directory or a store employee around when I don't know where something is?

What is up with wearing 6" heels and carrying an infant with your dark black eyeliner? You might fall over in those heels from your inability to see through all that gunk and split your baby's skull open. Oh, I get it. Then you could sue WalMart because you dressed like a hooker while carrying a baby. (I know this sounds a lot like the one above, but it is different. Cocaine hookers do not dress attractively at all as if to say, "I have no money as you can tell by my attire. However, I do have a vagina and a liking for cocaine if you are interested.")

What is going on with a 30-something year old balding man sporting a 1" mohawk? We can tell you are going bald, dude. (Mohawk! As in all the way around the skull, punk 13 year old mohawk.)

Why do children scream at such a high decibel when inside?

Why do moms let their children sprint down the aisles, almost getting creamed by four grocery carts who in turn end up colliding with each other while trying to avoid the toddler? Why do the mothers follow after smiling like their child is being cute?

Why are the employees not around when I can't find something but then when I find the aisle I want, they are standing in front of the section I need to look at stocking items and get an annoyed look when I am trying to peer around their non-see through bodies?

Oh, but they did have bottled orange juice in the soda thingie at the check out. That was yum.


Blogger thtgrl said...

Agreed. Wal-Mart is awful. I hate my nearest Wal-Mart with a passion that I tell everyone that I hate MY Wal-Mart. Hate is a strong word, but I use it when i refer to Wal-Mart.

I like the template, BTW. Looks familiar! I think I kinda miss it!

6:16 PM

Blogger Martini Love said...

The only thing is Wal-Mart I feel sorry for ya!! No Target as a good replacement... sorry to hear that!! I used to go to Wal-Mart for the "lower" prices... but then I realized everything on your list!! How right you are!!

7:31 PM


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