That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

When Did I Become Responsible?

Part of who I am bugs me. I wish I could just cut it out and leave it somewhere.

I feel responsible for my surroundings. It usually works in my favor. I think it is a driving force that enables me to work with teens. I don't enter into a situation thinking that there is nothing that can be done. I don't walk away from seemingly hopeless circumstances without doing my best to help. I try to always keep a sense of balance and not get controlling.

This sense of responsibility comes out even during this time when we have a cast of almost 300 people and at the end of the night there is trash everywhere. I picked up a lot of the trash, cleaned off tables, put stuff away. And none of it was mine, not even a sugar wrapper. But I felt responsible that the whole room was a raging mess. I feel responsible when people aren't where they are supposed to be. I feel responsible when people are being loud and they shouldn't be. I feel responsible when people say mean things they shouldn't say.

I don't feel like I should do something to make them stop or to force people to change their habits or force decisions upon them. However, I do get tense, I try to help, I try to make things be as they should. I have this idealistic outlook on life.

So I am really frustrated because I wish I couldn't not care if people are being jackasses but I do. I have a scene at the end of the production with about 8 other adults and 2 of them will not be quiet when they are supposed to and they look at me like I am crazy or funny when I ask them to be quiet. I am so frustrated right now. I wish I could just not care, but that doesn't seem to work. I still care. We have worked hard and they just don't respect that for 60 seconds they are supposed to not say anything while we are waiting backstage and someone has a solo. I don't know. Long rant for something so stupid, but do adults have to behave like they are three? Why do they have to be obnoxious the only time they are really required to be still? AaaaAAAaaaaaa

Does anyone else have personality quirks they wished they could get rid of? What are they?


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