That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Summer of Boofus the Rat

I was feeling reminiscent today and I was going to show my toes but then I ran into the Dreaded Ex and I had to write about that instead.

So now I am back to feeling reminiscent. There was a small window in my life for two, maybe three months that was like the middle of a sandwich. It was a transition "living with druggie ex-boyfriend to going off to college" summer. And in that time, I made a very special friend named Jake. (Not the Jake who frequents this blog.)

The summer of '96 I learned about chat rooms. There was a local one for Sedona and I started to talk to this person "Pyrone". We figured out we went to the same school, graduated the same year and had the same classes. Apparently he had figured out who I was but I didn't know who he was. (Blame it on all the pot smoking.) I was bored and decided I would go meet him.

We hung out almost every day after that. He was a tennis pro. He tried to teach me tennis but I always wanted to pretend I was in a home run derby instead and I would pound the neon green balls over the fence onto the highway. (I secretly always hoped I would cause an accident but it never happened.)

I saw every movie with Jake that summer and he never let me pay. I remember walking out of "Tin Cup". I remember when we watched "Independence Day" and the lady in front of us got scared at one point, jumped and her popcorn went flying out of her hand and rained down on us. I ate 500 pounds of sour patch kids that summer.

He almost messed his drawers the time I put a dead, stuffed tarantula that was in a glass globe at his desk. (They sell those spiders in Sedona for all of the hopeless tourists. I bought it because Jake was terrified of spiders. It was hilarious. He put it in his tennis bag that day and it was still in his tennis bag a month later. He didn't want to touch it.) He fell over backwards and ran up the stairs screaming like a girl. My sister and I laughed so hard we couldn't stand up.

We would get together with other teens and play hide and go seek when Talaquepaque would close down. (An artsy-fartsy mall with lots of shops and cool places to hide.)

Jake loved me. I could have dated him and he would have handed me the world on a silver platter. But I was very jaded and mean at that point in my life. I was trying to soften up, but the transition from a druggie's girlfriend to normal life wasn't quick. I really, really liked Jake but there was never any spark for me on my end. I toyed with the idea of dating him but I loved him as a friend and respected him so much that I knew I didn't want to date him. I would have ruled his life and made him miserable. He would have spent every penny on me whether I asked him to or not. He would have given everything to me and I would have greedily taken it and not given anything back.

He nicknamed me Penny Lane after the Beatles song. We spent many, many nights at Denny's until 2 or 3 in the morning. We would lie in the driveway at my house until dawn looking at the Milky Way.

And I went to college. And I know the moment I lost Jake forever was when my friend pointed out I had some black mascara in my blonde hair. He tried to join in to see where it was and I dismissed him and told him he wouldn't notice because it was a girl thing. Don't ask me why that was the moment he gave up on me, it just was.

I got married and Jake stopped calling. I hope he gets married and calls me again sometime. I owe him a lot. I miss him at the moment.


Blogger thtgrl said...

Aww, I love your toes! I think you and I are different in the fact that I would have jumped any guy willing to lay in my driveway gazing at the a result, it might have not been as special of an experience as you had. Then again, no chemistry is no chemistry, you can't make it happen. I hope you do hear from him one day, it sounds like he was a very special friend.

5:57 AM

Blogger Amber Lynn said...

I am surprised someone read all of that! I did have fun writing it though and I am not feeling the slightest bit embarassed today.

I don't think I would have felt attracted to anyone at that point in life after the previous relationship I was burnt out on boyfriends for almost a year. (Then I met my husband.)

7:39 AM

Blogger Amber Lynn said...

Oh, and for you boys, maybe Jake loved me because this was the period in my life I wore daisy dukes. Just a theory!!

7:40 AM

Blogger thtgrl said...

I spill that stuff like it's water...never get embarrassed! I'm glad you're not. You shouldn't be!

5:02 PM

Blogger JPM said...

I like daisy dukes but not enough to let any girl rule my life. so that was probobly not it?

5:54 PM

Blogger jake said...

i like stories like these. sometimes memories get better with age and sometimes they simply fade away. i'm glad you married the guy you did, you guys seem pretty happy. at least in blogland.

7:08 PM

Blogger Amber Lynn said...

That summer does get better with age. There was only one like it ever. There are actually some other things I remembered after writing this that were equally as cool and sweet, but the story is long enough, eh?

And my husband's story is even longer. We really are happy mostly because we are friends first and everything else falls into line. We don't have a lot to worry about- no kids, no money shortages really, even the in-law situation is usually copasetic. Neither of us are really selfish people and we are mostly fulfilled on our own- makes a difference. That "You complete me" crap is horrible for a relationship. It's a great notion but I don't believe in being too dependent on each other. ANyway...I should have posted.

9:07 PM


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