That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ready? Set? Go!

It's coming just over the horizon. I can smell it in the air. The electricity is palapable. There is something stirring over the horizon and it is coming to over take me very, very quickly.

I was told about this coming. I have my umbrella, golashes, and rain coat. I hope it is enough. I don't know.

That's how I feel right now. J called me. We are going to meet with the board in the next two days. When we set out to check out this career change, the decision maker told us that if we go to the board, he has pretty much made up his mind and just wants to be sure that J and I get along with the board okay.

It's coming. I knew it the first time my dad even mentioned it in passing. I couldn't sleep that whole night. Something told me this was more serious than a passing comment. The ball had started rolling and I knew it would stop exactly where it is stopping. It was almost inevitable.

There are some things I am scared of. I have been in a comfort zone with people that have grown me into what I am today. Those people understand me. They understand my goosebumps, they read my face. I am used to people not feeling the need to tell me what to do and how to do it. They are confident enough in my desire to do the right thing that they don't look over my shoulder. They understand my feet are made of clay. They understand that God is big enough to take care of whatever business he needs to in my life because I am listening.

The people I am moving towards don't know any of this. I feel like I am going to be misunderstood at every turn in the road. I see a lot of battles taking place in which J and I are going to have to stand our ground and ride the waves. I feel barely prepared. And yet I know that I am ready because of what I am holding onto. It's what I have been prepared for. I guess I'm ready!