That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Pics for Kicks

I just can't keep these to myself. You might not care, but if there is a soul out there who does, this is just fickin' cool. I am still brain dead from last night but when I am able to function again, I will be blogging about meeting Martinilove today. (We renamed her Margaritalove for a few hours. It was a four hour lunch.)

The stage Posted by Hello

The stage background was raised and lowered. It was like six sheets of individual light bulbs that were netted together. The technology for the visual was cool. Each light would light up at certain times in certain colors and form the background.

 Posted by Hello

The above picture shows that Bono's hair gets sweaty during the show. Hahaha. (Don't know why that if funny. I am fickin' tired, okay?

 Posted by Hello

The band and Bono wearing his gay hat. (He looks like he is part of the YMCA gang.)