That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Amber Alert

I am calm. Serene. I am actually at peace.

I have tried not to spew my woes all over the place over the past week. I did not want my burden to become a heavy thing in blogland for everyone else. There are enough pity parties in blogland without mine being added to the mix. Plus, the last thing I need is a "poor baby" and people supporting me in my misery. Misery loves company, right? So if I have company then I will love the misery. (That actually isn't logical at all.) If I get started acting out of my emotions, it wouldn't stop and they would just spiral and take over. That's not gonna happen.

At any rate, I am finally feeling free in what is going on so I can share! I am 90% sure J and I are going to be moving. We have been talking with the place that might want us to go run their youth program and help it grow. Today the staff came over to our town and they sat down with Jeremy and the staff we work with now. Everyone is feeling good about what's happening. The people I have trusted for the past three years feel good about what is happening. They have really helped mold me into this sweet person you all think I am and the person you love. How they took what I was 3 years ago and helped make it into the person I am now I don't really know. They were steady and faithful in their relationship with us. They were genuinely interested in who we are as people and they really wanted to see us succeed.

So, being that I trust their insight and wisdom, and they were impressed with what they saw today, I am comfortable.

Plus I had a big cry-fest with God this morning and I had settled in myself that things were gonna be okay.

So now I am moving past fear, doubt and uncertainty into a calmness and steadiness and getting excited about what is going to happen in the near future.

And that is the Amber update for those who actually care!