That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Friday, March 25, 2005

Catching the Meaning

A survey is taking place today, right here today! Your opinion counts.

Luke, How many times in your life have you heard, "Luke, I am your father?" I woke up early with that thought trapped in my head. (Just kidding, it didn't get in there until I was pouring coffee.)

Why do we wake up some mornings feeling like we can accomplish something and other mornings we wake up, and taking a shower seems like a monumental task? I don't get it. Today I am feeling all ambitious. Yesterday I couldn't stay awake. I read The Catcher in the Rye yesterday because Jake’s lies reminded me of Holden’s. The first time (well, first hundred) I read that book, I couldn’t get into it. I finished the whole thing about a year and a half ago. I kinda forced myself so that I could appear intelligent if the subject of The Catcher in the Rye ever came up. Then Jake’s lies inspired me to pick it up, because his lie about being able to see only black and white out of one eye sounded exactly like something out of that book. (It wasn’t in there. That was a Jake original.)

But this time when I read the book, I laughed the whole way through. And what do I owe this appreciation of the book to? Blogs. It reads like a week long blog. He just rants about what is wrong with the world. He thinks he is being sneaky by explaining the world around him but ends up telling more about himself than anything. And I laughed through the whole thing.

Happy Easter, everyone! I wish you a happy weekend full of the moments you always wait for the weekend to experience. (Oh, and if you will feel guilty if you miss church on Easter Sunday, don't forget to stop drinking early enough on Saturday to make it to church.)


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