That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A place for every thing and every thing in its place

Someone slipped a supply of crack into my water or air supply. I love it! I have so much energy! Woohoo!!! I woke up at 4:11 this morning. Can you believe it? 4:11! And I didn't go take a nap afterwards.

Yesterday I spent most of the day emptying my home office room for AJ to move in. I vacuumed the room twice, set up my computer system in my husband's music/car/hobby/office room. Then I looked around his room and DAMN!! I knew it was cluttered when I would walk by but this is just ridiculous. It looks like an elephant graveyard for computers. Plus his mom kept all of his stuff from when he was a kid and gave it to him a couple of months ago. The boxes were still on the floor which is why the two guitars and huge speaker box for his amp bass are in the living room right now. It is a good sized room and he had no floor space. I had to step over things to make to the desk where the computer sat and it didn't look so much like a desk- more like a wayside for forgotten papers, magazines, reciepts and CDs. When he came home from lunch yesterday he told me not to clean his room. (Men and their territory.) So I started rearranging his room and "dusting" while he was gone. He came home and asked what I was doing.


So I went out to the living room and pouted for a while as he played his video game. I sighed loudly and of course he asked what was going on. I told him he ruined my whole night's plans of cleaning his room. I told him that Mondays he watches all those car shows on the Discovery Channel so I had the whole night planned in his room organizing. (I'm a freak. It sounded like fun to me.)

He was pissed that I did exactly what he told me not to. I defended myself and said I wasn't cleaning, I was only dusting. I whined a little and asked him if I could at least store the stuff his mom brought so there would be more space on the floor. He said he would "think about it". Agony! Agony! Once my mind start organizing, it won't rest until the last paperclip is in place.

Mikey called J to say he was on his way over to help tune his new drum heads. DOH! (Drums are in the room I wanted desperately to set in order.) Jeremy told me I could put away his kid junk before Mikey came over. Done!

Boy was I happy. By the time Mikey showed up, I was whistling and making dinner. The guys started banging on the drums and were entertained while dinner was in the oven and I watched Friends.

After dinner I did the dishes and still couldn't stay still so I went and pulled weeds in the backyard until it was too dark to see the weeds anymore. I didn't want to step in dog poop after all! Once I got back in the house, I checked on all the blogger peeps. Then Mikey left.

J caved and let me clean his room with dire warnings not to throw anything away. As if I had dared dream that things would go that far! So, eight storage containers (with three of them having 10 drawers) later, I am about 75% done.

I went to sleep a happy camper last night and woke up at four this morning with my mind racing. I had to get up and zip tie all of the cords dangling behind the desk!