That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Buckle Your Seatbelt. This is a Convoluted Ride.

The lion hat...why would I post a pic of myself in the lion hat?

Well, I figured image is everything, especially in blogland. You can't hear me. You can only read me and visualize me. What better way to introduce myself as myself than to post a pic of me in a gay lion hat?

The expectation is that maybe that is a camouflaged helmet so I don't hurt myself from being the immense retard that I truly am. I mean, you wouldn't want me to hurt myself after the shots of vodka and Diet Dr. Pepper, right? Plus the picture shows that I truly find things amusing and I can't be all that bright or hard to please. That sums me up: Not to bright and easy to amuse. I think someone wrote that in my yearbook once. I think it was because of the time I was running into class and slid on the tile and somehow ended up in the splits when I don't do the splits. It was quite cool.

I have a suspicion that my newly acquired roommate’s girlfriend (soon to be fiancée) is jealous of me. I stopped at Wendy's for a salad at lunch and The Roomie works near there so he sat with me while I ate. The gf called. He walked outside and talked, came back and was saying, "I work all day. Where do you think I am........I probably didn't answer because I was working.......She stopped to get lunch.....We were talking about making bucket-loads of cash so I can buy you a big fat ring....."

He got off the phone and said, "As you can probably tell, she's mad at me. I don't know why." He seemed truly confused. She seems truly jealous. Maybe not of me. Maybe she's just suspicious of him all the time. I wouldn't know.