That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Reason

Disclaimer: The way I originally wrote this belongs on my other blog. If you want to read the original, it is over there.

And now we begin:

Sometimes I can't put a finger on what I mean. Especially when God uses my whole life to teach me something, by the time I learn it, it is such a part of me I can' t explain what I mean.

Today what I mean, what I think, who I am was finally vocalized. It was a sweet moment of release. Somehow finding out that these weird thoughts that belong to only me aren't so abnormal was comforting.

I carry people around. I often think to myself, "I wish I could just carry those teens around in my back pocket so they wouldn't get hurt."

In some respects, caring about other people is heavy. I don't know any other word for it. It takes a lot. I have moments when I just want to cry, cry, cry because I am so vested in people. Being vested in teenagers is probably one of the hardest groups to be vested in because they can change so dramatically in a short time period. They can go from total victory to total defeat in two weeks.

My eyes are misting up as I even write this. I doubt anyone will really have any clue what I am talking about. A teen that I love could be stable and happy for two years. They can be the leader of the group, emotionally stable and be making good choices. And something can happen and they are taking a bottle of pills to numb the pain.

And it hurts me to see them hurt. And it thrills me when they are happy. When it comes to these people God has put in my life, I come last. I don't care. My home, my time, my life is theirs. Just to make a difference. Just to make sure there are no more "throw away" children. Just to make sure that at least they know they have choices in life.

And it rips me apart sometimes. The best way I can describe it is as a glorious burden. It's both.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sitting here in disbelief that you've written a post that i, myself, could've written almost verbatim. and one line, "I know that at least my view of my life being as a tool for God and not something to satisfy myself is the right way to see things" is something i've come to realize (just over the last couple of months) is absolutely true. i've tried to express my feelings about it to others as saying that i'm God's vessel in this world, i'm here for Him to use as HE wishes. i'm not here to satisify myself or do things that make ME happy. i was given this body and this life solely for Him to use to carry out some part of His plan. i am to do what He asks of me. and, surprisingly (or maybe not-so-suprisingly...), i am my most happiest when i've listened to His call in my heart and acted on it like He's asked. it's been a wonderful revelation, a wonderful bit of knowledge that i'm so glad i've realized and come to embrace.

(and i also have WAY too much compassion for other. i tend to take others' burdens and concerns as my own. i worry about and empathize with others almost too much.)

may God continue to bless you.

2:09 PM


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