That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Dangerous Duo

As I sit here writing my newest post, I am wearing a pink ski skull cap. You know, one of those knit jobbies that fits the head. They are trendy right now. But, that’s not why I am wearing it. It is about 70* outside. I am wearing it because it is cute and I bought it in Maui last summer and I just found it in the back of the closet while I was looking for the perfect picture of me and Beth.

I tore my house apart. I can’t find it anywhere. It is our signature picture. I can see it in my head perfectly. We are dressed in these floor length gowns, all coiffed and looking absolutely fabulous. Our heads are cocked to the side, we have a hand on a hip which is popped out to one side and we have this expression on our faces. It was our perfect, “I’m innocent but not really” look. Our eyes are turned heavenward. We have our tongues in our cheeks. It was us to a T. And I can’t find it anywhere.

She sent me an email yesterday. We were roomies in college for a little while. She is my best girlfriend ever. She has another friend she has known longer that probably takes rank over me, but that’s beside the point. We are the kind of friends that can be anywhere, doing anything and have a blast. You could put the two of us in an empty, white circle room and give us any object and we would have the time of our lives. We are like McGyver but instead of building stuff, we entertain ourselves. Give us a whole grocery store or a Target, and we are unstoppable. It requires no alcohol or drugs, it’s just a natural high.

She went to college with me in Arizona. After college was over, she lived in Phoenix for another year but moved back to Colorado. I have been out to visit her once. Really, it’s quite sad. We talk about once every other month. We never are at a loss of what to talk about. She has three kids under five years old, all boys. We talk in-between the screaming. (It’s usually her husband doing the whining.)

So she emailed me and asked if I wanted to come visit over Memorial Day weekend.

Well, duh! Of course I do.


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