That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Friday, January 28, 2005

Philip's Post

This is getting out of control! I know! I am an addict. "Hi! My name is Amber and I am a blogger."

But everything is so much fun to write about. Take my older brother, Philip for example. He is taking a bunch of math classes at UofA this semester. He's taking vector calculus, linear algebra, probability theory and calculus 2. He is a dad of 2 girls and has about 25 pets at home including dogs, cats, snakes, birds and various reptiles. Oh! And I forgot the hissing cockroach farm. (To feed the reptiles, duh!) Anyway, the dude is busy. I was able to have conversations with him during Christmas Break but now that school has resumed again he doesn't have much time for pleasantries.

(Disclaimer: He is not really a redneck that shot his girl in the butt for commenting on wearing shorts with boots and ended up in jail.)

So I am chatting (or trying to) with him today. I told him to read Jake's blog because the first time I read it, I thought it could have been my brother writing it. Today when my sister read Jake's blog for the first time she said, "Did Philip (the older brother) write this?" So I sent Philip the link to Jake's blog. I tried to chat him up and engage him in conversation. I mean, it is Friday afternoon and he has all weekend to work on his linear equations, right? He was completely uninterested (or didn't have time for) what I was saying.

I switched gears. I said, "Jeremy bought a gun today." He immediately responded, "What kind??" My brother loves talking about guns. He sends me pictures of them quite often during messenger sessions and explains about how someone could be a gun broker. He likes the subject. I thought it was humorous that he lit up in a second when I mentioned guns. Always time for guns! My older brother cracks me up. He is so goofy. He appreciates funny stuff and even finds me amusing when I am trying to be sometimes. So here's to you, Philip. Have a nice weekend!