That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Mr. Clean

So I have to say that I am compulsive. The whole dog poop story is an extension of the fact that I get anal about things being just right and orderly. My hubby is really perfect for me except in the area of cleaning. My mom says it's not that he's lazy, it's more like he doesn't even see messes. They don't register on the radar until it is so bad that anyone would notice.

And I had to decide a long time ago that I wasn't going to ruin a good relationship over something not being in it's place (like dog poop in a trash can). I tend to tense up when I am cleaning and he knows to stay out of my way. When it comes down to it, I like the way I do it best. If I ask him to do something, he will do it but he might put the glasses in the wrong row in the cupboard or take too long to get around to it and I cannot rest until it is done. This is obviously my issue, not his.

He is an awesome musician and likes to work on his customized cars. (That's why mini-vans are not cool!) Cleaning ranks on his priority list somewhere just above listening to Celine Dion. (How does one spell her last name?) I am his top priority and I know that but I just have a hard time giving him crap about......well, crap. He would go out and do it if he knew how much it bothered me, but it doesn't bother him. I am happy and he is happy so why rock the boat, really?

(Oh, Jake, so you are not concerned about our dogs, they are inside dogs. They only go outside to go poop. They are the prissiest Dobermans anyone has ever seen.)

And in honor of TG, Here's the whole DL Gizoogle Style. Much more entertaining for shizzle.

Oh, and can someone tell me what this is, please? I can't figure it out.


Blogger thtgrl said...

This poop thing will be the end of you!

Thanks for the props, but I too found it elsewhere. It's contagious.

I copied your "alien" find over to translate to English and it didn't translate well so I'm not going to paste it all here. Here's the last paragraph:

"I report: evil Bug (¿someone wants a plug?)

Explanation not order: no useless assistant was injured in the execution of this drama of the real life (he be not going to be that he comply me that business about the union that unhappy one)"

It appears that a BUG laid eggs in someone. UGH. And that the assistant sucked.

5:16 AM

Blogger Beth said...

You remind me of my big sister, and your husband reminds me of me. I once cleaned up the entire house, and instead of telling me what a good job it was, she noticed that all the remote controls were facing the wrong way, that the toilet paper has to be put in so that it rolls from the top and other little things that I was just not paying any attention to. I did what she told me to, but not to her anal preferences.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a nice day!

9:35 AM


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