That's why it's called a shortcut. If it were easy, it would just be "the way".

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mom Blogger Group?

I wonder if there is some sort of mom blog group? Being a first time mom, I often have questions about if my experiences are falling into the realm of "normal", plus it would be nice to vent and comment on what this is like.

I have turned into the speediest eater ever. I could win a short eating contest, I think. I managed to eat a whole bowl of soup in under 60 seconds yesterday for lunch just so I could nurse on a full stomach instead of sitting with a grumbly tummy during the 10-45 minutes it takes to feed my son.

One thing that has changed since having a son is my blogging. I don't like my style of writing as much. It's not as interesting but I guess it is hard to keep a complicated train of thought that would hold an audience when I have to look at my child every 15 seconds or so to make sure he is beautiful as ever! Plus, about halfway through a post, he tends to get fussy and want to be held. He seems to have a sixth sense to be able to know when I want to do something (eat, take a nap, write, read) and will suddenly get very unsettled and need me for something.

It's funny though. As I mentioned in my previous post, I don't tire of him. It doesn't upset me in the least to be interrupted. He is such a beautiful bundle of skin, bones and soul that I can't help but to be seriously in love.

So if there is some sort of mom blogger group, let me know! I'd be interested in joining the circle! If not, I might have to go search for other new moms and start one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking for the same thing to post my blog
If you find one please let me know! God Bless

4:40 PM


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